It's another beautiful Friday and the #market Friday initiated by @dswigle. Today was a kind of moody day for me and I'm sure that's because the weather was moody and I had plans of doing the laundry and also go to the market to get a few things.


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The time was going so fast and the rain was still dropping , so I had to forfeit the plan of doing the laundry but I still had to go to the market. After some time, the rain finally stopped so I went to a local market close to the house.

Before my dad left this morning, he asked me to prepare stew and that was the only thing that took me to the market today. I bought fresh tomato, pepper and a dozen of onion. I also bought some grilled fish because that was what my dad Preferred.

I spent a total of $4 but everything was expensive compared to the last time I went to the market except for the grilled fish. Last week, I bought tomato and pepper for $1 but because of the price now, I had to get the one of $0.5.


I also bought a little sachet of Maggi which cost me $0.15, the Maggi price is still the same as the last time I bought it.


For the grilled fish, the last time I bought these size of fish, I bought them $1.2 but today, I bought them for $1.05 which is $0.15 cheaper. The grilled fish taste really good in the stew and I'm happy I could get it at such cheap price.

I bought a dozen of onion too and it cost me $0.5. Onion are very expensive now and I use it a lot but I had to buy just a dozen.

I used other ingredients for the stew but I didn't buy them because we had them at home. I made the stew with vegetable oil, tomato paste, thyme and other ingredients I had at home.

So that's all for my market Friday, see you next Friday.

All images are mine